One of our students brought in these awesome cups yesterday. They all have different designs with gramatically correct but bizarre or rude English on them. This one was my favorite.
No funny Engrish/Nihonglish on this one, but I just thought this gay barber was the funniest mascot I ever saw. You can see him in person if you walk up the hill from the center of Sanda to Flower Town.
Yeah yeah, no weird English here but, sweet jeezus! Bec and I have been fascinated by these Mer-pandas with their unholy lips and weird beer-holding arms... available at our local 7-11. I finally broke down and bought a package of this insanely bizarre snack. And here is a picture, so countless generations-to-come may know the Legend of the Genetically Freakish Panda Things. Gah.
Seriously though, if you were going to choose a flavor for your sanity to be, 'Cool Mint' would be a good choice; definitely better than say, 'Brussel Sprouts' or 'Flan'.