Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All Kneel Before the Highway Baron!

We saw this bus in Sannomiya a few weeks ago and I thought the text was just so high-flown and hilarious I had to take a pic. The driver kind of looked at me funny, though!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

That feels so good...

I want another massage, and another, and another, and another....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I feel so lucky!

I saw this can in the vending machine in the bowling alley when we went bowling with Alex and I knew I had to have it! I think the best part is thye "with kira kira sparkle". What exactly is "kira kira sparkle", and what will it do when I drink it? It sounds like I might gain some kind of super-powers.

"Kira-kira Sparkle Beam: Activate!!!!"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I was convuled with raughter...

...when I saw this t-shirt. Nathan tacked these phrases up on our 'weird English' board at Okaba back in the day, and I always found them hilarious. Then, Lo and behold this Friday my student Yuriko came to class wearing this exact T-shirt! I was overjoyed!